Sunday, June 9, 2013

HTMLised version of the Olympus Trip 35 manual.

This is kinda handy, an HTML (website) version of the Olympus Trip 35 manual! CLICK HERE!

Olympus Trip 35 Hero Shot

I haven't been able to use my Olympus Trip 35 for over a year now just simply because I cannot find anywhere in Southern Sweden to process film. If anybody knows of a good lab please let me know, I really miss shooting my Trip... but at least I can shoot pictures of my Trip!

Here is a typical camera "hero" shot of my beautiful Olympus Trip 35 complete with authentic period Olympus Pen flash attached. The flash has a few small bits missing but that's ok, the pic looks great with it on. ;-)


Oooooh! Aaaah! *Spontaneous applause*

"Why thank you, thank you very much!"

If you have photographs of your own very special Olympus Trip 35 camera, please feel free to send them to me with your name and where you got it, and any other info, like serial number etc. and I will post them right here on the Olympus Trip 35 Cult blog! Promise.